Submission Files & Format

Assignments must be submitted with the complete text in your primary Word document.

Some assignments require extra files to be created and submitted alongside the Word document, but the text in those files should still be included in the primary Word document. These extra files could be Powerpoint presentations, leaflets, info sheets, magazine articles, and/or handouts.


NOTE: You can now get the outline for your Word document to start working on. Click here and select the program and assignment.


Primary Word document

Page 1

This page should be a cover sheet which includes the following information:

  • Your name
  • School name
  • Program name
  • Assignment title

End this page by typing [CTRL]-[ENTER] or from the menus select "Insert" -> "Page Break"

It would be preferred if you did NOT include a table of contents. Simply correctly label each question and answer, as shown below.

Page 2 and onward

Clearly labelled questions and answers, in the order they appeared in your assignment brief, with the question numbered.

Note that changing the order of the answers, or changing their number will likely result in an automatic failure.

If your assignment had 3 questions, and they were as follows:

Task 1

2.1 Introduce the session by using a fact sheet which contains information about the roles of leaders and key theories of leadership.

2.3 Identify the barriers that exists within organizations meaning communication is sometimes not effective

1.2 An assessment of the methods of internal communication that should be used for different purposes

Then your assignment should have 3 questions, in the same order, with the same numbers.

It should look like this:

Task 1

2.1 Introduce the session by using a fact sheet which contains information about the roles of leaders and key theories of leadership.

See attached file "fact_sheet.jpg"

The role of leaders is... (the full text answer here)

2.3 Identify the barriers that exists within organizations meaning communication is sometimes not effective

Some of the barriers that can inhibit communication within an organization are:

  • Lack of leadership
    Often a failure of leadership.... (more answer)
  • Lack of established communication channels
    If an employee does not know who they are to report to... (more answer)
  • A third barrier
    the explanation of the third barrier
  • Another barrier
    the explanation of this barrier

1.2 An assessment of the methods of internal communication that should be used for different purposes

Some of the methods are...

Some important things to note:

  • The order of the answers matches the order of the assignment, even though the numbers are not in order. Changing the order to 1.2, 2.1, 2.3 will result in a failure.
  • Each question is numbered with the correct question number. Changing these to 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 will result in a failure.
  • Each answer starts with the question, followed by your answer.
  • When an external file is required, it was mentioned at the beginning of the answer, followed by the full written text for that answer. Failing to include the text of your answer in your primary Word document will result in a failure.
  • Do not use multi-level numbering. See example below. Only the question should be numbered.

Avoid Multi-Level Numbering

2.3 Identify the barriers that exists within organizations meaning communication is sometimes not effective

Some of the barriers that can inhibit communication within an organization are:

2.3.1 Lack of leadership
Often a failure of leadership.... (more answer)

2.3.2 Lack of established communication channels
If an employee does not know who they are to report to... (more answer)

The following points are not required, but are good practise for a professional looking document:

  • The "Task 1" is using a "Heading 2" setting, and the question is using "Heading 3".
  • The bullet points are used for the list, with each of the 4 points in bold to highlight them. At the end of the bullet point, a [SHIFT]-[ENTER] was typed to start a new line without a new bullet.
    This line is an example of using [SHIFT]-[ENTER] to start a new line without a bullet, making it part of the previous bullet point.
  • It is never a good idea to make it difficult for your reader to find the information. Whether that is your professor, or your manager, making it easy to find the information is smart.